Monday, June 04, 2007

Foundations and global issues

The European Foundation Centre Annual General Assembly took place over the weekend (1 - 3 June) in Madrid. Antonio Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees got the discussion rolling with a call to foundations to become more involved in the global challenges of migration and refugee issues.

The theme of the conference was "The new challenges of global philanthropy" building on a 2006 survey of European foundations which found they are increasingly working across and outside of their own national borders.

The next large scale conversation about philanthropy around the world starts this Thursday in New York at the Grantmakers Without Borders Conference on Social Change Philanthropy.

And a nod to a new (to me) blog on philanthropy from a Portuguese perspective, Profit-non-profit. Add it to your reader and please send me other philanthropy blogs from anywhere beside the US - I need to read them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Philanthropy Australia's blog is at . It is a fairly new innovation for us, but we are now beginning to see some interest in blogging from the Australian philanthropic sector - last week I assisted one of the bigger foundations to set up RSS feeds of several philanthropy-related blogs, including Philanthropy2173, for all their staff :)