Monday, April 14, 2008

Gaming for Gorillas

Since I am working out some ideas on how and why and when philanthropic foundations adopt technology and because I am on the advisory board of Games4Change and because I am going to the Goldman Environmental Prizes celebration tonight and because I thought this NYT story on mobile phone anthropologist Jan Chipchase was fascinating and because we advise the MacArthur Foundation on their Digital Media and Learning Initiative -- I thought I'd draw your attention to a revised version of a mobile phone game that generates cash for gorilla has a little bit of everything...and is being re-launched today as Silverbacker.

If you want to pick up where I left off on the role that cellphones play in organizing change - do read the NYT story on Chipchase and follow these links from his website to trends and research. Also check out - a partner in Silverbacker and an African NGO bringing technology to African and other NGOs.


kiwanja said...

Hi Lucy

That must be the longest sentence in a Blog posting I've ever seen. ;o)

Thanks for the plug, and I hope you enjoy the game (and make a small donation).

Just so you know, I'm actually from the UK, although most of my work seems to end up focusing on Africa (although nGOmobile and FrontlineSMS have global reach).

Have fun this evening...


Lucy Bernholz said...

Thanks for clarification, Ken - my mistake in referring to Kiwanja as an "African NGO". Will fix in the post.